Providing you safe,
effective, natural resources for
vibrant health!

Holistic Wellness Resources

Do you want better health but don't know where to start?Holistic Wellness Resources provides naturopathic and bioenergetic medicine focused on treating the root cause of illness - not merely symptom management. Selena Miller, HHP, BEP uses natural therapies including nutrition, herbs, homeopathy and lifestyle recommendations, providing you the personalized natural resources for vibrant health.YOUR BODY IS MAGNIFICENT! Designed to heal naturally when provided the proper environment and balanced support of nutrition, rest, exercise and healthy lifestyle . We are here to help you achieve that balance with the resources to feel your best. Whether minor or chronic conditions, we are here to help!

Caring for adults and children who struggle with:

  • Environmental & food sensitivities

  • Bacterial imbalance - Lyme disease

  • Developmental challenges

  • Blood sugar imbalance

  • Chronic inflammation

  • Dental concerns

  • Digestive issues

  • Emotional imbalance

  • Fatigue

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Immune support

  • Sleep disturbance

  • Stress

  • Weight management

  • Plus more

"We know today that man, essentially, is a
being of light.”
- Dr. Fritz Albert Popp

CALL TODAY! Receive your FREE Bio-Impedance Analysis (BIA)
with an appointment!


The statements on this website are intended for educational purposes only. The information has not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Nothing stated herein is to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. It is not to be construed as medical advice. Only a licensed medical doctor can legally offer medical advice in the United States. Consult your healthcare professional for specific health problems. *Individual outcomes may vary and there are no guarantees you will experience the similar results as others featured in any marketing materials on this website.


About Selena Miller

For almost 30 years Selena has been supporting individuals with their wellness. She has had a vision and passion to positively-impact health since she was very young by learning about the increasingly toxic and health-challenged world we live. Through her own healing journey and health concerns of friends and family, she realized the limitations of the broad health approach and discovered alternative methods.In the mid-1990s, a dear friend returned from Africa with malaria, unable to recover from the disease. They received a BioEnergetic Assessment with a personalized protocol they began to heal. When Selena learned of this fascinating and accurate technology (BEA/EAV), she embarked on her holistic wellness path.For over 25 years, using an integrated approach to health, she has studied and applied the principles of Naturopathic and BioEnergetic Medicine with an emphasis on homeopathy, herbology, nutrition, and homotoxicology.She began with a wellness practice in the Jackson Hole, Wyoming region. Desiring to reach a greater need, she transferred to Energetix (a natural remedy company specializing in homeopathic, nutritional, and botanical products) for 11 years. There she worked as an instructor for the International Academy of Bioenergetic Medicine, trained many practitioners in fundamental acupuncture meridian assessment testing techniques, and worked in the practitioner and clinical support department.She now resides in the Coulee region of Wisconsin where she serves client’s needs with deep respect and compassion. Her goal is to support each individual’s innate healing ability and wisdom by addressing the root causes of dis-ease; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.Selena enjoys spending her time for personal growth, organic gardening, cooking, traveling, reading, time in nature, and with family and friends.

Selena Miller, HHP, BEP
Board Certified Holistic Health
and Bio-Energetic Practitioner



Bio-Energetic Assessment (BEA)

Custom-tailored wellness!A BioEnergetic Assessment (BEA) provides a painless, non-invasive, individualized approach to healing by eavesdropping into the body’s bio-energetic communication system through Chinese acupoints, using the modern technology of galvanic skin response (GSR).Remove the guesswork with the information you need to make the choices to heal naturally physically, mentally, and emotionally!

Bio-Impedance Analysis (BIA)

Do you want to improve your energy? Age healthy? Lose weight? Increase muscle tone and fitness? Detox effectively?Discover your cellular health and immune response with Bio-Impedance Analysis (BIA)


Bio-Energetic Assessment (BEA)

By accessing the body using BioEnergetic Assessment we gather valuable information from the body to create a custom-tailored healing strategy.

What is Bio-energetic Assessment?

Developed from the time-honored tradition of Chinese medicine and modern biofeedback technology, BioEnergetic Assessment (BEA), known as Electroacupuncture According to Voll (EAV) or Electrodermal Screening (EDS) or Meridian Stress Assessment, provides a non-invasive procedure that measures the energetic function of the organs and systems through the acupuncture meridians.This innovative testing, developed in the 1950’s by German medical doctor and acupuncturist Dr. Reinhard Voll, eavesdrops into the body’s natural electromagnetic fields known as ‘meridians’. The technology works similarly to an EKG or EEG.Quantum physics recognizes we are energy. This unseen energy forms and connects everything in the universe. Chinese medicine refers to the invisible flow of life-force energy, as Chi (Qi). Often the underlying causes of health imbalances are invisible and may occur electromagnetically long before they manifest physically. Unlike modern medicine procedures, the testing basis is in physics, not chemistry. Since your body operates on energy, the most effective way to heal may be to provide support to balance and repair this energy.

What to expect:

An initial appointment lasts approximately 1½ hours where we learn all about you. Many factors are taken into account, including your health history, lifestyle, and what you want to accomplish with your health.First a small metal ground rod is held in the hand then the specific acupuncture points are tested with a stylus-type pen. The procedure is painless without any needles. The energetic readings appear on a computer monitor. Then an individualized program is designed to support energy balance. The program may include diet and lifestyle considerations, nutritional supplements, herbs, homeopathy, and adjunct therapies such as chiropractic, massage, PEMF, etc.Then you are empowered with the natural resources you need to take your health into your own hands, to heal naturally as you are designed.We offer a holistic approach to health and wellness with many non-medical health and wellness tools, nutritional, detoxification, emotional support, and stress management programs. We do not diagnose, treat, or manage medical conditions.


Bio-Impedance Analysis (BIA)

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) is an extraordinary test that measures your cellular and tissue health that is utilized by physicians, health practitioners, professional athletes, fitness trainers, and more.

BIA Measures:

  • Cellular healing potential (immune)

  • Cell membrane strength (cell protection, nutrient absorption, and waste removal)

  • Cellular hydration and total body water

  • Total body fat (body composition)

  • Body Mass Index (BMI) Ratio of height to weight

  • Plus more

What to expect:

BIA is determined by taking the weight, height, age, gender, and physical activity level. While lying down, spot electrodes are placed on the hand, wrist, ankle, and foot. Then a harmless current is introduced. Body impedance is measured when a small, safe electrical signal is passed through the body, carried by water and fluids. The information is entered into a computer software program for the results.

BIA Terminology

  • Body Composition: It measures total fat.

  • Total Body Water: The total amount of fluid in the body.

  • Body Cell Mass: The total mass of all the metabolically active components of the body such as the muscles, internal organs, blood. It’s a sensitive indicator of nutritional status.

  • Total Fat: Fat percentage healthy and unhealthy weight, excess levels are associated with increased risk for a wide variety of health conditions.

  • Extra Cellular Mass: The support mass of the body, consisting of extra cellular fluid, and solid such as bones and cartilage. Its primary function is to support and transport nutrients, wastes and fluids.

  • Phase Angle: This is a measurement of the cell membrane’s health. The higher the phase angle, the healthier cell membrane and over all cellular health and function.

  • Cellular Health: By measuring Phase angle.

Your body is made of over 100 trillion cells and you
are only as healthy as each cell!


PEMF Therapy

Want to feel more energized?PEMF (Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field) therapy uses pulses of extremely-low electromagnetic field with a similar frequency range as the earth's magnetic field. We are all fundamentally electric by nature. It may help support the body's natural magnetic field for overall well-being. The body may naturally interact with the earth's natural magnetic field, affecting our chemistry at a cellular level. PEMF has been found in research to support this field and may provide balance to energize the body.The Healthy Wave Mat also offers far-infrared therapy utilizing heated crystals. The heated crystals create far-infrared heat therapy that penetrates 3-8 inches into the body. This far-infrared heat may help temporarily support muscle, joint pain, and stiffness and may increase blood flow & micro-circulation. It also provides red light therapy based on the principles of delivering light energy (photons) to the cells. When exposed to photon light energy, like red light, your cells may absorb this light to support energy production. Plants absorb light similarly through photosynthesis, using that energy to fuel organism activities. This therapy may energize all the cells in your body. Who doesn't want more energy?



  • The mission of the Environmental Working Group is to use the power of public information to protect public health and the environment. Learn healthy food choices HERE.

  • Meet a biological mercury-free dentist HERE.

  • The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology is dedicated to promoting safe, non-toxic methods in dental health care. Learn more HERE.

  • Weston A. Price's, DMD, research studies established the parameters of human health and determined the optimum characteristics of human diets. Learn more about the Weston A. Price Foundation HERE.

  • Discover locally grass-fed beef HERE.

  • Support for Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) from the EMF radiation of modern technologies. Learn about EMF Protection HERE.

  • Learn about techniques in heart-centeredness for stress reduction and balance HERE.

Recommended Reading

The Detox Solution
Patricia Fitzgerald, D.O.A.M., D.H.M., L.A.c., C.C.N.
The Gut is the Second Brain
Michael Gershon, M.D.
Nourishing Traditions
Sally Fallon with Mary G. Enig, PhD


Customer Experiences and Testimonials

A HUGE Thank You so very much Selena for 'walking with me' on my incredible healing and trans-formative journey! I am filled with tremendous gratitude and appreciation for Selena. She is wonderful and generous with her encouragement, support, and guidance. Selena's wealth of knowledge and her step-by-step instructions assisted me in how to heal and rejuvenate my body and comforted me. One, out of the many things I've learned from Selena, is about giving my body exactly what it needs in order for it to strengthen its ability to heal. I wholeheartedly recommend Selena to any and everyone seeking healing on their journey. Want to know the root cause and how to heal your health issues? Selena is the one to go to. One of the top BEST decisions I've ever made. Thanks again, Selena!


I would like to share a little about my healing journey to better health. As a child I had tonsillitis frequently, taking many antibiotics, and was supposed to have them removed. But my parents were unable to afford it and so I never had them removed or never had any problems later. Recognizing the body could heal itself, in my teen years I became interested in nutrition. I began taking supplements, reading articles about better diets and how to stay healthy. I also searched for professionals in the fields of naturopathy and holistic treatments. I wanted to know exactly what my body needs and discovered Bioenergetic assessment that specifically asks the body. This is how I found Selena. She has guided me in the correct direction. I am 73 years old and take no medications. I visit Selena regularly for health maintenance to keep me on the right path. (Selena also helps my husband). In November of 2021 I had extensive foot surgery. I used natural remedies and PEMF therapy to help support my healing process. My doctor was amazed at how fast I healed with no pain! I am so grateful for my health and to Selena for keeping me on the right track. Selena is always just a phone call away. Thanks Selena for always being there, for my husband and me. YOU’RE THE BEST!


On a professional level, I have always disliked the poly-pharmaceutical philosophy. When it directly affected me with concurrent co-morbidities, I recognized my dependency upon another to “treat” me had far-reaching consequences. Gradually, as I worked with Selena, utilizing her long-standing knowledge of Bioenergetic medicine, I became more responsible for my well-being on multiple previously untapped levels. My health moved from superficial to an ever-deepening awareness. Consequently, I have literally moved from being burdened by co-morbidity labels to a process that encourages my body to heal and function as it was meant to be. I cannot thank Selena enough for guiding me along this ongoing journey.

L.T., RN

I have worked with Selena for many years in several capacities. She worked with me for Energetix in Practitioner Support and education. I value her knowledge about not only the products and ingredients but also different healing strategies for specific health concerns. She was beyond brilliant in what she contributed. I have currently been seeing Selena as my healthcare professional as well as my family members, including my grandkids since they were very young. She has made a world of difference in all of our health. I trust her completely to get to the core of the concern. Her method of testing is very comprehensive and can find all the imbalances. Her knowledge on nutritional supplementation is broad and she can recommend a complete program. I would highly recommend Selena to any friends or family.


Selena is a kind, compassionate holistic practitioner with a wealth of knowledge that she shares freely. Over the last six years, she has helped our family with all of our health issues from migraines to acne with easy-to-follow protocols and remedies that treat the underlying cause, not just the symptoms without harsh invasive treatments. I highly recommend Selena and Holistic Wellness Resources to anyone looking for a more personal and balanced approach to health and wellness.


I recently suffered a case of Lyme disease, which progressed very quickly and I became quite ill. I am so grateful for Selena at Holistic Wellness Resources LLC. Since I am unable to use the traditional antibiotics (doxycycline etc.) due to allergies, Selena was able to help me get started with several supplements and remedies that gave me some relief. The Lyme disease affected my nerves and I ended up with Bell’s Palsy and a great deal of nerve and muscle pain. After working with Selena, she was able to help me greatly with the pain and I recovered from the Bell’s Palsy in a short time. I continue to seek Selena's care to ensure I do not have any further flare ups. I am truly grateful for Selena's gift of knowledge, dedication and compassion for the people she serves.



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out to us directly via phone to set up an appointment as well.